“Sometimes our first & greatest dare is asking for support.”
Brené Brown

Why work with me?

I am not a life-coach & I do not run group online programmes that promise to revolutionise your life.
I have, however, extensive experience & years of studies in the fields of yoga, stress management, personal development & mental health on top of a decade of work as a marketing executive in the corporate world.
The services that I provide through this section are drawn from these various domains of expertise & my dedication to support your balance & growth in ways that are authentic, effective & personal.

There are 3 TYPES OF SERVICES that I offer to individuals:

  • Self-care programmes – to support you during a specific period, manage stress & find your way back to balance
  • ‘Find you Why’ process – to help you restore clarity & confidence when in doubt about the direction of your life or career
  • Marketing 101 for solo entrepreneurs – to help you authentically establish or structure your brand, your activities & your communication

What I bring to the table

  • 8 years of experience within the wellness industry
  • 5 years of experience as a Mindfulness & Personal Development facilitator for University programmes

  • 10 years of experience as an international marketing executive & an understanding of the corporate environment

  • An extensive choice of tools & practices from the yoga traditions, traditional chinese medicine, modern science, coaching methods, personal development & more

  • Personal experience, understanding & study of burnout, stress & mental health issues

  • Knowledge of neuroscience & the nervous system

What to expect from me

  • Absolute confidentiality

  • Listening & guidance

  • No advice but questions & tools
    to unlock your own answers

  • Honesty & care

  • Availability & support

  • No ‘one size fits all’ solutions but personalised
    tools that fit your individual situation & needs

Self-Care Programmes

Sometimes what you need does not exist on a yoga studio schedule, YouTube channel or on mindfulness workshop.

Self-care programmes are a combination of tools & practices created & put together just for you.
This can include: private yoga sessions, meditations or breathing exercises, essential oils recommendations & custom-made blends, mindfulness techniques, journaling/reflection questions, home retreat plan & more.

These tools are delivered via in-person session, zoom calls, recorded videos or audio – based on your needs & most fitting medium.
A programme can support you for one week to a few months, depending on your specific circumstances.

This is more than a prescription for bubble baths but actionable powerful practices that fit YOU, combined with a support system to actually put them in place.

‘Find your Why’ Coaching

Your Why is not who you aspire to be in the future but who you already are when you are at your natural best. It lies within the stories that have shaped the person you are today, the experiences that have anchored your values and the people that have influenced your path.

Your Why is not limited to your professional sphere but truly captures the ways that you show up in all areas of your life.

That is why finding your Why really is about diving into the essence of who you already are and understanding what situations, environments and connections bring the best of you. Through this process directly inspired by Simon Sinek’s work on ‘Starting with Why’, I support you in finding your way back into clarity and confidence.

Marketing 101 support for solo entrepreneurs

I believe that more than pretty logos & fancy fonts, the marketing & communication tools of your small biz come from clarity around your vision & goals.

I know what it’s like to have all the roles in the business & feel overwhelmed about not having all the skills to ‘do it all’ or the financial means to hire top-notch agencies. Take a deep breath… it’ll all gonna be OK.

Through this service, we work together to clarify your brand image & values, your communication priorities and your action plan so that you can have the tools you need to build & grow an authentic business that looks like you!
Whether you’re at the very beginning of your project, tip toeing around your business’ name & identity or you’re at the stage of wanting to organise & simplify your marketing/social media/website presence, I’m here to help & walk through it step by step.

We’ll debug together the technical fears you may have around newsletters, graphic creation or website updates to get you rolling with confidence!

Let’s work together!

In my client’s’ words…

“I’ve had the honour to attend a class of this amazing & talented teacher at the Yogalife festival in Belgium, definitely one of the best hours I did there. With a great mix of yoga and music she guides you trough an amazing journey and leaves you with a happy face and a warm heart. If you ever get the chance of doing a class with her, I would absolutely go for it!!” (Sept. 2019)

Marianna M.

“Anne, that was one of the BEST classes I recently did! I was out of space after savasana and told my friend: ‘sorry I cannot talk right now after an amazing class I just had!’ I wanted to stay a bit longer in my space…” (Yoga teacher, June 2021)

Sabina K.

“Anne is a warm hearted person and a professional teacher. Teaching yoga is not just a job for her, it is her passion.” (Aug. 2021)

Nica D.

“Anne is a great yoga instructor. I can recommend her to anyone – beginners as well as advanced practitioners” (Nov. 2021)

Kim B.