On the 1st January of 2022, prompted by New Year’s posts I signed up for the Open app. I chose this one simply because it’s the one created by one of my first yoga & meditation teacher Manoj Dias & I was looking forward to practicing to his familiar voice again.

At first I felt a bit ashamed about it… I’m a meditation teacher & I’m using an app to meditate?!
This, was exactly the problem I had: my practice had become rigid. If it wasn’t my 20 minutes twice a day mantra practice then it wasn’t good. If I wasn’t doing it 1st thing in the morning then I wouldn’t do it. Mostly, meditating had become a chore, while I’m the first one to teach my students not to add meditation as an item of their To-Do list…

Realising the misalignment & judgment that had emerged in my practice, I decided to try to break my habits & start fresh, to be open (pun intended!) to something different.
It worked!

Over the last year, my meditation practice has become more fluid again… sometimes on my own, sometimes with guidance, sometimes in the morning at home, sometimes in my afternoon commute, sometimes 20min, sometimes 10, often with breathing combined, sometimes just stillness…
Mostly, there’s lightness & regularity again.

Discipline is needed to anchor habits & provide change, but sometimes discipline blocks us in our growth & perspective.

If you’re looking for guidance in your meditation practice & the sound of my voice brings you familiarity, I have a few recordings on Insight Timer or I highly recommend the Open app if you’re seeking variety.

And if you’re looking for self-sufficiency in your practice, check my ‘Learn to Meditate’ course. It is empowering to know that you can do it alone.

It doesn’t have to be just one way.
Both are great paths to stillness, both are supporting your mental & emotional well-being. At the end, it’s all that really matters.

Much love,

NB: this post is not sponsored, I simply share what I love & recommend!

Picture by Charline Photography