Well, hello there, friend!

And yes I will call you ‘friend’ because it is my intention on this new space to write & share in a more personal way in order to foster connection & belonging.

Why this new site when the Bubble Yoga page is already there (in case we don’t know each other yet, I’m the founder of Bubble Yoga studios & solutions)? Well, with Bubble Yoga growing over the last few years, and especially since the opening of our second location in Zürich in spring 2022, I’ve been wanting to give more space to my team & the ‘Bubble Yoga project’. Bubble Yoga started back in 2016 as a solo adventure & back then it made sense that the website was all about my journey & what I do. Now that Bubble Yoga has grown to 2 studios across Switzerland, 20 team members, an academy, a bunch of projects with corporate organisations, schools etc… it only felt natural to withdraw myself a bit from the spotlight of it all.

This felt like a great step as this was what I had envisioned all along. The reason why I named it “Bubble Yoga” since the beginning – not “Yoga with Anne” or something – is precisely because I had the vision for something bigger than me, something that was not centered around myself or my name. My goal all along was to build something centered on certain values, a certain approach of yoga & meditation, a certain ‘feel’ in a way, something that may be infused by my own views & experiences, but ultimately something that exists way beyond myself only. It is my biggest joy & pride to see this vision slowly become reality over the years.

However, with giving more space to the vision & less space to myself, it also felt like I was loosing my voice a bit. When the “I” became the “We”, I felt like I could not speak in the same way. This is fine to keep on building more of a ‘project identity’, but not great for my own sense of self-expression…

So here I am – creating a little space for myself on the World Wide Web. Of course, through these pages you will find direct information on all my offerings, but on top of that I am especially excited about a new format that I am launching along this new website: A Dose of Inspiration.

A letter – without the news – to share more openly on topics that are very dear to my heart: yoga & movement in general, mindfulness for the real world, burnout, mental health & more. My intention is to share reflections, learnings & tools that can inspire you, support you or empower you on your personal growth journey. You can subscribe HERE to receive it directly to your mailbox, or come visit the Blog section to catch up!

I’m excited about this new chapter and I hope you will like it too.
Much love,